Month: July 2014

python script to plot and analyse sea level data from the Auckland harbour

In GEOPHYS330, we use python to download, plot and do a regression on a hundred years of sea level measurements in the Auckland harbour:

# these are the modules that contain functions we will use in the script:
import csv # this is to read a "comma separate values" file 
from urllib.request import urlopen # to read csv data from a website
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting functions
import numpy as np # numerical tools
from scipy.stats import linregress # linear regression function
import pandas as pd

# you can find and load the sea level data for Auckland here:
df = pd.read_csv(url,delimiter=';')

# "bad" values are defined by a large negative number, so we only
# accept positive values:
df = df[df.iloc[:,1] >= 0]

# convert the pandas dataframe to numpy matrix:
npdat =df.as_matrix()
time= npdat[:,0]
height = npdat[:,1]

slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(time,height)
print("r-squared: %f", r_value**2)

# plot the sea height data:
plt.xlabel('Date (year)')
plt.ylabel('Sea height (mm)')
plt.title('Sea height at Princes Wharf, Auckland (New Zealand)')
plt.legend(['measurements','best linear fit'],loc=4)

A spiffy new home for station AUCK

As of today, station AUCK is in the basement of the Science Centre, City Campus of the University of Auckland. With its design, the SeisNZ project will be able to reach out to students, visitors, or any other interested parties.This station is part of a growing network of educational seismometers around the country. From now on, you will be able to hunt for earthquake signals in AUCK data from the latest NZ earthquakes and beyond.